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Name: Will  Lesh
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The T-37 is a 37 inch RC sailboat with 635.5 square inches of sail area. The hull is built of 1/8 inch mahogany plywood assembled with epoxy for a light, strong composite boat. Most T37s are built from the kit by the owners although the T37 is also available ready to sail.

There are over 3400 T37's sailing. Building the boat doesn't require any special tools or previous experience. The T37 is fairly unique amongst today's RC classes in being a wooden hull. The precut plywood hull sides, bottom and deck are put together with West System tm epoxy making a very strong but very light hull that requires no internal framing or bulkheads. The total weight of the fully rigged T37 hull with batteries and sails is 2-3/4 lbs. The ballast casting is 2-1/8 lbs for a total sailing weight of 5 lbs.

The T37 makes an excellent starter boat for clubs. The building kit includes all of the radio control gear, sails, West System tm epoxy, and everything necessary for building and sailing except paint, varnish and batteries. The boat is very quick and maneuverable so it is a fun boat to race for either new or experienced skippers. The class rules allow some innovations, but do not allow any changes that involve significant additional expense or changes that would make a standard boat unable to compete successfully.

The T37 is a modern high performance design with a deep, fairly fine fin keel and balanced spade rudder, but the boat has the traditional elegance of a fine wooden yacht. Each boat is finished off distinctively reflecting the owner's individual taste and personality with custom paint jobs.

The National Championships have been held in Seattle for the past 16 years. T37s are sailing all over the world, in places as far away as Thailand, Brazil and Norway. For video clips of the T37s sailing go to . The T37 is also a beautiful boat to take Windling. Windling is defined as the fine art of relaxing by a lake and enjoying watching your boat sail off across the lake and then return. Whether your boat is sailing fast or barely drifting in the lightest breeze, it is all part of "messing about with boats", and it can be a splendid way to pass many happy hours.

T37 Statistics: Length overall 37.65 inches, Length Waterline 36 inches, Beam 7 inches, Draft 11.5 inches, Total Weight fully rigged with batteries 5 pounds, Ballast Casting 2.2 pounds, Total Sail Area 635.5 square inches, Mainsail Sail Area 391.5 square inches, Jib Sail Area 244 square inches, Height of Mast above waterline 47 inches.