R4CR American Marblehead 2023 on 10/1/2023

2023 American Marblehead Region 4 Championship Regatta (R4CR)
by Ken Young
Ten skippers showed up at Lake Barrington Shores and were greeted by bright sunshine, high temperatures, and no wind. "Hey look! I'm moving!" "Why is he moving and nobody else is?" were pretty common phrases during the day. RD Leo Hanusa soldiered on through twelve short races. Electronic gremlins bit Harry Sorenson pretty hard early on, so he was only able to complete two races.
The Barrington Shores facility, thanks to our host Bob Armbruster, is a great place to sail. You're on top of the boat house looking down on the boats. It's an interesting perspective.
We had two boats in the Classic division, four in the Modern, and four High Flyers, all of various designs. The boats are all competitive with each other with four skippers winning races.

Summary of the 2023 American Marblehead R4CR, Red Chevrons
Date: October 1, 2023
Location: Barrington Shores, Illinois
Host Club: Chicago RC Model Yacht Club
Wind: 0-3
Races completed: 10
Race Committee: Leo Hanusa, Ken Cheblicki Course set up: Jeff Gros

2023 American Marblehead R4CR Results
Place Skipper Boat Score

1 Clark Fremgen Modern 16
2 Ken Young Classic (Bingo) 32
3 Bob Armbruster High Flyer 34
4 Jeff Gros High Flyer (Magic Dragon) 45
5 Mike Martin Classic (Soling 50) 45
6 Ron Schloemer Modern 47
7 Joe Richmond High Flyer 75
8 Jim Knorr Modern 83
9 Allan Thorsen High Flyer 92
10 Harry Sorenson Modern

Division winners: Modern - Clark Fremgen; Classic - Ken Young; High Flyer- Bob Armbruster