Hall of Fame Report By Dick Rutledge
It is my very great pleasure to announce that four of our fellow members have been inducted into the AMYA Hall of Fame in its first year. A committee made up of 14 AMYA members, including elected members of its Board of Directors and one person appointed from each Region, was faced with the awesome task of carefully reviewing those nominees presented for consideration by the membership. After due deliberation, they completed their task in an exemplary manner and have selected the following as the first ever members to be installed in the Hall of Fame.
It is my very great pleasure to announce that four of our fellow members have been inducted into the AMYA Hall of Fame in its first year. A committee made up of 14 AMYA members, including elected members of its Board of Directors and one person appointed from each Region, was faced with the awesome task of carefully reviewing those nominees presented for consideration by the membership. After due deliberation, they completed their task in an exemplary manner and have selected the following as the first ever members to be installed in the Hall of Fame.

Mr. Rod Carr Rod has been a member of AMYA since 1969 and proudly holds membership number 2. He has served the organization by being elected or appointed to several national offices, including Secretary/Treasurer, Chairman of the AMYA Racing Rules Committee, member of the IYRU-MYRD Technical Committee, and Region 6 Director. He has served as Class Secretary of the EC/12, Star 45, and J-Class, and has conducted numerous national and regional championships. Rod has been active in the formation of numerous clubs, written numerous newsletters, designed hulls, and built sails for several classes. He has introduced numerous folks to our sport and has always been there to extend a helping hand to all. Welcome Rod to AMYA Hall of Fame.

Mr. Dick Hein Dick has been a member of AMYA since its beginning, and holds membership number 5. Dick has served AMYA nationally by holding a number of positions, including President, Secretary/Treasurer Regional, Director, and Class Secretary for both the S/B O-D and Half-Meter O-D. He has been active in dealing with the IYRU (Now ISAF) and its relationship to AMYA and he has written numerous articles on sailing and regatta reports. His most recent volunteer actions included being elected to the office of AMYA Treasurer, where he helped guide the organization to a new level of financial stability. Welcome Dick Hein to the AMYA Hall of Fame.

Mr. Gene Dunham Mr. Dunham joined AMYA in 1977. He unselfishly gave of his time as the editor of Model Yachting for 8,years, overseeing issues 55 through 87. Those issues were known for their many "how to" sketches and articles, and are today collector items to many. In addition to his active sailing schedule and his role in the starting of numerous clubs, he was instrumental in moving AMYA into the computer age by automating not only MY office, but that of Membership and Treasurer. Gene has a strong background in community service outside of AMYA. Welcome Gene Dunham to the AMYA Hall of Fame.

Mr. Lloyd "Swede" Johnson Mr. Johnson joined AMYA in 1975 and has had tremendous impact on our sport ever since. He is the consummate innovator and designer and has never stopped seeking a better, faster boat in several classes. He has been involved with designs for numerous classes, including the US One Meter, 36/600, and the Marblehead to mention a few. His designs have won more than 14 national championships. He has never avoided stepping forward to be a teacher or club leader and has made a meaningful difference to many who have found pleasure in our sport. Welcome Lloyd "Swede" Johnson to the AMYA Hall of Fame.
In addition to those selected, several others were nominated and should be recognized. They include: Mr. Bob Blackwell (HOF 2002), Mr. Frank Angel, Mr. Kelly Martin, and Mr. Richard Wischer. The task of evaluating all these fine nominees was not an easy one, and I want to thank the members of the select committee for their hard work and dedication to the spirit of AMYA.